The Incentives of the Voluntary Behavior in the Islamic Jurisprudence


  • R. G. R. Al-Amrat Department of Islamic education - Yarmouk University - Jordan Author
  • M. G. R. Al-Amrat Department of Special Education - Faculty of Educational Sciences - Jadara University - Jordan Author


This study aims at answering its following main question: What are the incentives of the voluntary behavior in the Islamic jurisprudence? The answer to this question is divided into seven investigations showed that the Islamic jurisprudence motivates the individuals and groups to practice the behavioral patterns which are socially accepted by: activating the principles of assembly and gathering, expanding the common ground between the individuals and groups, establishing the proper understanding to the ways of deliberation, and forming of faithful models based on the principles of the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice. Moreover, it uses the behavioral formation, behavioral encouragement, and behavioral reinforcement to promote the individuals and groups to practice the socially accepted behavioral patterns.


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How to Cite

Al-Amrat, R. G. R., and M. G. R. Al-Amrat. “The Incentives of the Voluntary Behavior in the Islamic Jurisprudence”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 78-103,