Emptying The Texts Of The Noble Qur'an Of Their Original Meanings In Contemporary Readings: "A Critical Study"


  • H. A. Al-Harbi Department of Islamic culture - Faculty of education - Jazan University - KSA Author


The noble Quran, Language, Semantics, interpretation-reading, contemporary, foundations, modernists


This study talks about contemporary westernized and modernist calls towards the interpretation of the noble Quran in the so called "the contemporary reading of the Quran" through which they work towards taking the noble Quran out of the semantics (meanings) of its enunciations and contexts. The study points out the importance of semantics in the interpretation and understanding of the noble Quran It also presents the roots and foundations of the claims of contemporary approaches of understanding the noble Quran. The study judges those approaches against the semantics (meanings) of the enunciations and contexts of the noble Qur'an. The study concludes that this school of thought agrees with the mystic "Batini" school of thought in the way it deals with the Qur'an and the semantics (meanings) of its enunciations and contexts and the way they break the ties between words (enunciations) and their meanings. the text and the author on the basis of their theory that the producer of the meaning is the reader not the text as the reader can deal with the text freely without any limits or criteria relying on symbols, signals, tenor, and mysticism This explains the celebration of the orientalists and modernists of the mystic "Batini" school of thought and their interpretations of the noble Quran. It has become clear through this study that the contemporary modernist reading of the noble Qur'an is based on a number of cognitive and methodological projections of western thought on the noble Qur'an It contemporary reading, imitates the western thought in the way it deals with its past and heritage. Through this, modernists work to break the bonds between muslims and the book of their lord, and to keep them muslims, away from Its guidance by distorting Its meanings in their false readings and their ignorance of the interpretations of the rightly-guided predecessors of the muslim nation, and their fierce campaign to discredit them.


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How to Cite

Al-Harbi, H. A. “Emptying The Texts Of The Noble Qur’an Of Their Original Meanings In Contemporary Readings: ‘A Critical Study’”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 4, no. 3 خاص, Mar. 2015, pp. 41-76, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/221.

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