The imagenary reader at the introductions of heritage books An example of Marzouki's introduction to "Kitab al-HamāsahAn example of Marzouki's introduction to "Kitab al-Hamāsah An example of Marzouki's introduction to "Kitab al-Hamāsah




The study of Discourse paratext is a critical entrance that reveals the nature of the discourse within the texts, especially those related to introductions that in one way or another identify the nature of the reader or the narrator of the text, and the importance of this critical entrance appears in what it can provide in the study of heritage texts, which took the addressee a large initial in the forefront. This research takes from this critical entrance a method for studying a central critical text in ancient Arabic poetry, which is the introduction to Al-Marzouqi for his book "Sharh dīwān al-hamāsah", as this introduction is difficult to reduce in the complexity of the pillar of Arabic poetry, but rather shows various goals and functions. Including the aesthetic, the controversial and the justification, and in order to reveal these functions, the introduction was divided into semantic sections that serve a central idea represented by inquiring the addressee / reader with the structure of the book and its goals.


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How to Cite

HABIBI, MOHAMMADI. “The Imagenary Reader at the Introductions of Heritage Books An Example of Marzouki’s Introduction to "Kitab Al-HamāsahAn Example of Marzouki’s Introduction to ‘Kitab Al-Hamāsah An Example of Marzouki’s Introduction to ’Kitab Al-Hamāsah”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, July 2020, pp. 1-12,