التراث المادي والهوية الثقافية للمرأة السعودية في الساحل الشمالي الغربي مقاربة سيميائية - أنثروبولوجية للمنتج العرفي


  • Maryam Ibrahim Ali Hamed Ghabban Author


This study addresses a virgin area in Arabic Studies because it combines cultural semiotics and contemporary anthropology The synergy of these two fields taises a number of questions whose aim is to deepen the investigation of the material heritage and the cultural identity of the Sandi women in the northwest coast of Saudi Arabia. The selection of the study's domain was based on the historical and cultural inmportance of the region, it comprises the largest touristic front in Saudi Arabia. Thus, the significance of this study is manifest because it explores the area of empowering women econonucally, an important tributary in Vision 2030. In order to establish a solid referentiality for the study in research and application, it is divided into 2 divisions. The First is theoretical that presents an extensive study of the concept of cultural semiotics and its relationship with the folk material heritage based on previous research submitted in the area of the semiotics of visual images, and what the cultural anthropology in the area of crafts and folk arts had offered. As for the second division, it is an applied division of a descriptive analytical nature that is necessitated by the anthropological research literature. Thus, the first task of this study is to explore and document women's crafts within the boundaries of the study's field. Then, the national self identity is unravelled beside aspects of positive reception of their craft products in addition to examining and evaluating attempts for renewal and innovation through the process of conditional production that does not go beyond the roots of integrated identity in parts of the craft product and its forms and colors. All this is achieved via the analysis of semiotic symbols indicated in the craft product.


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How to Cite

Ghabban, Maryam. “التراث المادي والهوية الثقافية للمرأة السعودية في الساحل الشمالي الغربي مقاربة سيميائية - أنثروبولوجية للمنتج العرفي”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, July 2020, pp. 41-62, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/239.