Spreading and promoting rumors A jurisprudence study


  • منيره أبو الحمامة Author


Since the beginning of human kind to date, rumors have been considered a social phenomenon. Therefore, the blamic Sharia'a has condenmed in for its dangerous consequences on individuals and societies, inciting enmity among people, deceiving public opinion, spreading fear and anxiety due to its fast reach out, and the influence it has on people. Rumor risks increase during crimes, wars, and revolutions Hence, there should be a law imposed by Sharia's that penalizes this prohibited behavior. This research ainis to clarify the concept of rumors, its types and entailed risks on the society. It ako elaborates a breakdown of the law condemning its different types, and identities the messages that are encouraged to be transmit Finally, the rumormongering penalty in both Sharia'a and the cybersecurity system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Key outcomes: Rumors are fake news that spread rapidly in the society. Moreover, lack of piety and undervaluing sins encourage spreading arad promoting them. Thun, Sharta'a has considered it a prohibited illegal crime.


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How to Cite

أبو الحمامة منيره. “Spreading and Promoting Rumors A Jurisprudence Study”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, July 2020, pp. 86-111, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/244.