التماسك النحوي وأثره الدلالي دراسة تطبيقية على سورة البروج


  • عبد الرحمن الشعشاعي جامعة الباحة Author


Al Biruj Verse, grammatical cohesion gan analytical, descriptive study, semantic effect, grammatical senses, meanings


This study applies the tools of textlinguistics as embodied in the concept of grammatical cohesion to Surat Al Biruj, The objective is to both analyze and describe the semantic implications of cohesiveness within theses Verses. As a background to the study, the central concepts of textlinguistics such as cohesion, coherence, textuality and contextuality are fully explicated. Thereupon, a brief exposition is given about the Quranic subject of the study, namely Surat Al Biruj prior to the application of the lexico- grammatical cohesion tools. Taking into consideration the nature of The Glorious Book, the investigation employs the various aspects of cohesion such as conjunction, coordination, parallelism, thematization, rhematization, ellipsis and information structure to the sacred text. Each of these concepts is thoroughly explained through reference to the primary sources. On the other hand the descriptive-analytical study utilizes numerous books that are devoted to the syntactic, semantic and morphological structure of The Glorious Book as well as a large number of exegeses on the interpretation and hermeneutics of The Quranic. Moreover, care was taken to make the connections as required by the nature of this textlinguistic exploration. The study has reached a number of findings such as the crucial and multiple roles played by prepositions in the realization of grammatical cohesion. Equally, the study has light the effect of anaphora on guaranteeing both the texture and grammatical cohesiveness between the various parts of the Quranic text. Finally, the proposed recommendations are followed by an exhaustive list of sources which exceed eighty references. May Allah forgive me and forego any dow errors or shortcomings that have accompanied the execution of this work.


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How to Cite

الشعشاعي عبد الرحمن. “التماسك النحوي وأثره الدلالي دراسة تطبيقية على سورة البروج”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, Dec. 2018, pp. 53-78, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/279.

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