Historicity of Qur’anic Text in Muhammad Arkoun’s View, Presentation and Criticism


  • Fatimah AbdulAziz AL Ablani Department of Islamic Studies - College of Sharia and Law - Majmaah University - KSA Author


Historicity, Humanization, Closed Official Blog


Objectives of the Study: Presenting and criticizing the historicity of the Qur’anic text

Study Approach: Critical analytical approach.

Study Plan:

The introduction includes: the problem of the study, the objectives of the study, the study approach, study procedures, and the study plan.

First Topic: Introduction to Historicity Approach:

1st Requirement: Defining the Historicity, the origins of historicity, and its criticism.

2nd Requirement: Who is Muhammad Arkoun.

Second Topic: Historicity of Qur’anic text in Muhammad Arkoun’s view, and Reply to it

Introduction: Historicity according to Muhammad Arkoun.

1st Requirement: applying the Historicity approach to the Holy Qur’an, as was applied to the Torah and the Gospel.

2nd Requirement: Collecting and Writing Down of Qur’an.

3rd Requirement: Dividing the Holy Qur’an into oral and written.

4th Requirement: General Criticism of Historicity.

Conclusion and Findings.

Sources and References.

Table of Contents.

Findings of Study: The study concluded that Muhammad Arkoun applied historicity to the Holy Qur’an, justifying this as the same approach was applied to altered Torah and the Gospel, which is not true as the Holy Qur’an is preserved by Almighty Allah, and that his study is a questioning, demolition, and invalidation of the Islamic religion, and bringing down of the pillars of faith.


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How to Cite

AL Ablani, Fatimah AbdulAziz. “Historicity of Qur’anic Text in Muhammad Arkoun’s View, Presentation and Criticism”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 12, no. 2, Jan. 2024, pp. 164-88, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/335.