The Hadith Accomplishments of Sheikh al-Taher ibn Ashour in his book Al-Tahrir wal Tanweer


  • S.N. Alanazi Author


This research delineates the endeavours and accomplishments of Sheikh al-Taher ibn Ashour in the area of Hadith in his book Al-Tahrir wal Tanweer. At the outset, the researcher sheds light on the vital importance of the Prophet's Sunna, and the Hadiths that aim at interpreting the Quran; this part of the research puts on the spotlight the inalienable status of Sheikh al-Taher ibn Ashour in this arena. Section One relates a brief biography of Sheikh al-Taher ibn Ashour. This part relates his name, lineage, upbringing, his Sheikhs (scholars/teachers) and his pupils. A sizable portion of this section is allocated to an account of his scholarly status and his legacy, especially in the area of Hadith, which is the focus of this research. Section Two explicates Sheikh al-Taher ibn Ashour's methodology in recounting Hadiths and interpreting them; it states his accounts of the different narrators of Hadith, and it elucidates his standpoints towards weak and fabricated Hadith and also Hadith yarned by Israelite women. At the close of Section Two, the researcher provides an account of the opinion and Hadith terminology of Sheikh al-Taher ibn Ashour. The research concludes with salient results and recommendations


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How to Cite

Alanazi, S.N. “The Hadith Accomplishments of Sheikh Al-Taher Ibn Ashour in His Book Al-Tahrir Wal Tanweer”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1 الجزء الثاني, Jan. 2016, pp. 340-62,