Al kharj Area in Al Idrisi Manuscript and Heritage Maps


  • Abdullah Saad Mohammed Al-Khalidi Author


This author noted heritage geographical maps and manuscripts of Al-kharj region belonging to the 6th Hijri century they were written by Al-Idrisi in his book "Nuzhat Almoshtaq Fee Ekhtraq Alafaq", this rare and precious geographical heritage for Al-kharj talented this author to learn more about the old geography of Al-kharj through verification of the accuracy of the old maps and manuscripts of Al-Idrisi. Groundwork encompassing a detailed desk and field study on the geography of Al-kharj, as well as the preparation of an analytical study for the verification of the accuracy of the old maps and manuscripts


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How to Cite

Al-Khalidi, Abdullah. “Al Kharj Area in Al Idrisi Manuscript and Heritage Maps”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1 الجزء الثاني, Jan. 2016, pp. 395-1,