Umberto Eco and the Challenges of PoetryExploring Eco’s Relationship to Poetry and Sign Production


  • Dr. Majdi Mohammed Khawaji Jazan University Author


Umberto Eco, semiotics, interpretation, communication, ideal reade


The present paper aims at analyzing Umberto Eco’s relationship to the art of poetry though he has mostly been connected with narration and its concepts and theories. Basically, Eco’s studies were concerned with studying his semiotics. This paper relies on Eco’s theatrical, critical and creative writings through his various quotes to poetic texts and his references to old and contemporary poets. It will serve and enhance his semiotic interpretation, affirming his interpretative opinions and extracting his hidden contents to explore Eco’s poetic condensation and compound merging between text data and reader’s expectations. To achieve the paper’s main objectives, the researcher provides a brief preface of Eco’s semiotic project along with a selected list of scientific and critical references


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How to Cite

Khawaji, Majdi Mohammed. “Umberto Eco and the Challenges of PoetryExploring Eco’s Relationship to Poetry and Sign Production”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, Dec. 2020, pp. 44-60,