Arabization at Jurists Terms Collecting and Taesela Book "Dictionary of the Language of Scholars" Model


  • M. A. A. Mohammed Department of Arabic Language - Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Jazan University - KSA. Author


This research collected the Arabized words, which came in the book "Dictionary of the language of scholars", has focused its objectives as follows:

  • Detection words used by scholars of the language of the Arabs.
  • Statement of words contained in the dictionary language scholars, and what happened to her voice change in terms of morphological and semantic.
  • Balance between what came in the dictionary language scholars and contained in other hope in a statement who preceded and influenced by influence who is to the right.

The extracted text that parsed, following in her analytical approach I mentioned at the beginning of every issue of a title appropriate, then, according to the text of the book noting the author's position.

position of his predecessors, and they came after him likely see him, and weakening what I see weak, and then came this research encompassing submitted after booting and appropriated to talk about localization and levels The three sections are: localization level voice. Arabization morphological and syntactic leve Localization on the semantic level. Then conclusion and included the most important results that emerged from this study, and which ones: it expressed what his name of any word synonymous in the language of the Arabs. They were transporting a particular word unchanged and conducting the provisions of Arab intend entering Lam definition. The determination of pronunciation to reassign the language in which the taking of them need to consider not sufficient to similar verbal, often agree two words from two languages in one word and one meaning not be their relationship, but is it for anecdotes agreement.... Unless evidence indicates the transmission of one language to another, and helped the derivation. Finally reported an index of the most important sources of the study.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, M. A. A. “Arabization at Jurists Terms Collecting and Taesela Book ‘Dictionary of the Language of Scholars’ Model”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 11-58,