A Suggested Proposal for a "Fiqh Zakat" Course in General Education Curricula in the Republic of Yemen Dr. Ahmed Esmail Moqbel


  • Dr. Ahmed Ismail Mokbel Author


The study aims at suggesting a proposal for a Figh Zakat course in general education curricula in the Republic of Yemen. The following two questions are set for the sake of achieving such a goal:
What is the reality of teaching Figh Zakat course in general education curricula in Arab countries?
What is proposed for Fiqh Zakat course to be included in general education curricula in the Republic of Yemen?
To answer the first question, a card of content analysis was designed, verified and proven. An analysis was conducted to the curriculum materials of the research sample, which contains the curriculum materiak of Islamic Education in Yemen, KSA, Jordan,
UEA and Egypt. The following results are achieved:
1. The current Figh Zakat rarely includes items related to contemporary issues and
2. There is remarkable convergence into Figh Zakat courses between KSA and Yemen as well as Jordan and Egypt.
Second question results:
The proposal contains the following:
1. Drafting a general standard of the proposal which is further divided into two standards, one for basic school level and the other for secondary school level.
2. The first standard contains 4 main areas and 12 sub standards, 49 indicatos, 10 outcomes, the content, teaching/learning strategies, evaluation techniques, and leaming resources.
3. The second standard contains 4 main areas and 13 sub standards, 47 indicators, 18 outcomes, the content, teaching/learning strategies, evaluation techniques, and leaming 


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How to Cite

Mokbel, Ahmed. “A Suggested Proposal for a ‘Fiqh Zakat’ Course in General Education Curricula in the Republic of Yemen Dr. Ahmed Esmail Moqbel”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1 الجزء الثالث, Jan. 2016, pp. 315-40, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/133.