The degree of activating the individual and collective psychological dimension when making a change and managing it by the academic leaders at Salman Bin Abdulaziz University


  • Dr. Mubarak Fuhaid Al-Qahtani Author


In this research the concept of an activation of the psychological factor through an initiation of a managerial change conducted by the academic leadership in Salman bin Abdul Aziz University (individually and collectively) is investigated. To render this investigation possible, a descriptive methodology is designed as represented in a questionnaire with twelve variables and a sample of (111) members from the academic leadership. Results of this methodology have proved that activation of the psychological factors (both individually and collectively) ranked at a moderate level; whereas individually the ranking was low. This is an indicative that there is a need to increase the activation factor in all University variables. Efficiency of activation process that can be generated through logic and dialogue rather than through means of force and restriction ranked low. This means that academicians at the leadership level have to exercise strategies of logical dialogue with all working groups. What was ranked a priority is that "anxiety" can be either reduced or mitigated once leaders of change succeed in alleviating or mitigating chances of failure among working groups. Obtained results also showed that the University has been exerting an effort moderately towards reducing level of failure among working groups, a process that has helped avoiding, warding off, or rather reducing elements of anxiety among working groups


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How to Cite

Al-Qahtani, Mubarak. “The Degree of Activating the Individual and Collective Psychological Dimension When Making a Change and Managing It by the Academic Leaders at Salman Bin Abdulaziz University”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1 الجزء الثالث, Jan. 2016, pp. 368-93,