Obstacles to the application of knowledge Management in Taif University from the Perspective of Academic Leaders and Proposed Solutions.


  • Dr. Turki bin Kadimis Al-Otaibi Author


The present study aimed to identify the obstacles to the application of knowledge management in Taif University from the perspective of academic leaders and proposed solutions, and disclosure of statistical significance between the study sample to the variables of individual responses differences (specialty, job title, and academic rank, years of experience, and the country of graduation) To achieve the objectives of the study was to build a questionnaire composed of 54 single distributed to the areas (obstacles to the application of knowledge management, and proposed solutions to avoid obstacles to the application of knowledge management). It was sure to validity and reliability. Applied to the study sample (76) academic commander by 87.37% of the study population. The study found several outcomes: • The arithmetic average of the paragraphs of the field of application of knowledge management obstacles combined (3.86) This corresponds to a high degree of approval. • The arithmetic average of the paragraphs of the proposed solutions to avoid obstacles to the application of knowledge management combined (4.34) This corresponds to a very high approval. • There are statistically significant differences in the opinions of academics leaders attributed to variables (specialty, job title, years of experience, and the country of graduation) on the field of obstacles application of knowledge management, for the benefit of humanity colleges category, and Head of the Department, and less than 10 years, and graduates of the Arab countries respectively. • There is no statistically significant differences in the opinions of academics leaders due to the variable (academic rank) on the field of application of knowledge management obstacles. There are statistically significant differences in the opinions of academics leaders attributed to variables (specialty, academic rank, years of experience, and the country of graduation) on the area of the proposed solutions for the benefit of humanity colleges category, assistant professor, and 10 and more years, and graduates of the Arab states, respectively. • There is no statistically significant differences in the opinions of academics leaders due to the variable (Job Title) on the area of the proposed solutions.


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How to Cite

Al-Otaibi, Turki bin. “Obstacles to the Application of Knowledge Management in Taif University from the Perspective of Academic Leaders and Proposed Solutions”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1 الجزء الثالث, Jan. 2016, pp. 452 - 484, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/139.