The Chorus in T. S. Eliot's Plays: An Analytical Approach


  • Dr. Yahya Saleh Hassan Dahami Author


This study is an analytical approach on T. S. Eliot's complex dramatic development in the use of the chorus in his plays shedding light on how Eliot employs the chorus into his complete successful plays from utter imitation of the ancient Greek style in his early plays to skillfully dispense with the it in the latest plays with special reference to: The Rock, Murder in the Cathedral, The Family Reunion, The Cocktail Party. The Confidential Clerk, and The Elder Statesman. The study likewise sheds light on the ancient Greek dramas from which T.S. Eliot borrowed his themes


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How to Cite

Dahami, Yahya. “The Chorus in T. S. Eliot’s Plays: An Analytical Approach”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1 الجزء الثالث, Jan. 2016, pp. 541-58,