الواويَّات الممالة للقراء السبعة


  • علي إبراهيم طوهري Jazan University Author


Readings "Algira'at", Deflection "Alimala", Alwawiat, The Seven Readings "Algira'at Alssabea", Nafia, Al Kisaie, Warsh, Hamzah


This study investigates an important theme in the deflection in the seven readings (algira at alssabea) which is entitled (Alwawiyat Almumala) in the seven readings. Although the rule states clearly that the (Alifat) which are originally (ya'a) are deflected and the (Alifat) which are originally (waw) are not deflected but the later comes deflected in a number of situations in the Holly Quran. Therefore, this study is an attempt to study these situations and to explain the reason behind their deflection. The researcher will clearly define the term readings (gira'at), explain the types of deflections and the reasons behind the deflection in these situations, as well as the Arabic dialects that constitutes deflection and how to differentiate between deflection with (ya'a) and deflection with (waw). The researcher will collect the words to be investigated mentioning the roots of these words as stated in Arabic dictionaries and language sources and of course the books of readings. Then, the researcher will state the reasons that makes readers (Algura'a) deflecting it. The conclusion is about the most important findings, bibliography and table of conents.


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Author Biography

  • علي إبراهيم طوهري, Jazan University

    كلية الشريعة والقانون




How to Cite

طوهري علي إبراهيم. “الواويَّات الممالة للقراء السبعة”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 6, no. 1, July 2017, pp. 72-85, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/169.

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