Teachers' Perceptions about Creativity According to a Proposed Conceptual Framework Relating Creativity to Human Positive Behaviors for Development toward Self- Actualization


  • Majed Rabhan Y Wadaani Author


This study aimed at providing a conceptual framework for creativity to meet teachers needs for a broad definition that enhances their attitudes toward nurturing creativity for all students. Then, teachers' perceptions about creativity were explored according to a such proposed conceptual framework. Research procedures included analysis of contemporary theories, and the proposed conceptual framework was developed accordingly. After that, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample of 132 teachers to identify their perceptions using the descriptive method with some inferential statistics such as t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The researcher reached to adopt a conceptual framework for understanding creativity as human positive behaviors for development toward self-actualization. The results showed also that teachers perceptions overall appeared to be in a moderate level of alignment with the proposed conceptual framework, but they still are mixed and unstable based on individual cases, since some teachers tended to restrict the meaning of creativity, while others perceive creativity within arts fields only, with a trend towards linking creativity development with special programs out of school curriculum. Positive significant differences in teachers' perceptions were found based on the gender in favor of the female teachers, and the academic degree in favor of those who hold a master's degree, as well as, in favor of those who have taken university courses about creativity; while, the results regarding the training and teaching experience variables included that the less experienced teachers hold a significantly better understanding of creativity; while the training variable did not contribute to any significant differences between teachers groups. Implications of such perceptions were discussed according to the importance of the proposed conceptual framework in achieving authentic learning for all students and providing additional effective support for the gifted


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How to Cite

Wadaani, Majed. “Teachers’ Perceptions about Creativity According to a Proposed Conceptual Framework Relating Creativity to Human Positive Behaviors for Development Toward Self- Actualization”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, July 2020, pp. 172-00, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/250.