Open Educational Resources (OER) and their role in achieving the educational and research objectives from the perspectives of graduate students at Jazan University


  • Khalid Hussain Moukali Author
  • . Hamada Mohamed Ibrahem Author


This study aimed to reveal the role of Open Educational Resources (OER) in achieving the educational and research objectives from the penpectives of graduate students at Jaran University. The study sample cominted of (70) male and female graduate students from the College of Education, they were described according to the variables of the study lased on igender, specialization, the degree of proficiency in the English language, the academic level). The study used the descriptive research approach. The data was collected through a questionnaire consisting of (65) items and distributed on tour domaim which included the extent of the use of graduate studens at Jazan University for OER, the barriers they face when using OER, the facilitatiom offered to them by the university and the extent to which they benefit in achieving their educational and research objectives. The results showed that the graduate students at Jazan University une OER largely. The results alho demomtrated that the mont barriers facing them when uming OER were the absence of incentives. infrastructure problems, frequent internet outages, and the lack of providing the necessary technical support. In addition, the results demomerated that the most facilities provided by the university were the quality of electronic services provided by the univernity, support and adoption of the use of OER, and the flexibility to choose the ways of designing courses via OER The results also showed that graduate students benefit largely from OER in achieving their educational and research objectives. Also, the results demonstrated that there are no differences in the use of graduate students for OER attributed to the variables of the study (gender, specialization, the degree of proficiency in the English language, the academic level, while there are differences attributed to the gender variable in favor of nules. The study recommended the necessity of providing a set of workshops and webinars for faculty and graduate students at Jazan University on the me of Open Educational Resources (OER) and the best ways to integrate them into the counes.


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How to Cite

Moukali, Khalid, and Hamada Ibrahem. “Open Educational Resources (OER) and Their Role in Achieving the Educational and Research Objectives from the Perspectives of Graduate Students at Jazan University”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, July 2020, pp. 201-3,