اختيارات الإمام ابن المنذر في المزارعة من خلال كتابه الأوسط من السنن والإجماع والاختلافدراسة مقارنة


  • أحمد البراك جامعة الامير سطام Author


أقوال ابن المنذر في المزارعة, ترجيحات ابن المنذر في المزارعة


The views of Imam Ibn al-Mundhir in the farmer through his book ((al'awsat min alsunn wal'iijmae walaikhtilaf)) comparative study
Imam al-Mundhir narrated in many sciences, and his scientific writings indicate that, and reached the status of ijtihad and farwas, he did not follow any of the owners of doctrines of jurisprudence, but much agrees Shafei, because it originated on the origins of the doctrine of Shafi'i,
He does not follow anyone in his opinions and does not harden nor fanaticism to say no one, but he goes with the correct evidence
Al-Shafi'i disagreed in many opinions. Here in his al'awsat min alsunn wal'iijmae walaikhtilaf
in the unit of the farmer, we find that Abu Bakr Ibn al-Mundhir had violated Shafi'i in rwo issues: The question: The man gives his vacant land or his land or his palm by a third or quarter or half of what he produces, On the issue of the expiry of the period of ijara, and the land is still planted
This book is the book of al'awsat of Ibn al-Mundhir has many features that made it added to other books of jurisprudence and Hadith, and even written consensus and disagreement, this book is one of the highest books of comparative jurisprudence, which relies on the knowledge of the doctrines of scientists,
The views of Ibn al-Mundhir in unit al-Muzarah through this book, which I studied in a comparative study, and I put the weight between the sayings of scholars in every Issue.


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How to Cite

البراك أحمد. “اختيارات الإمام ابن المنذر في المزارعة من خلال كتابه الأوسط من السنن والإجماع والاختلافدراسة مقارنة”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, July 2019, pp. 22-44, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/291.

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