Developing the Performance of High School Leaders         city of Abha in the Light of the Aesthetic Dimensions


  • Mohammad ahmad King Khalid University Author
  • محمود عبد التواب فضل جامعة الملك خالد Author


This study aimed to identify the (availability - importance) degree of aesthetic leadership dimensions (aesthetic     communication, aesthetic culture,   aesthetic appearance, aesthetic    application, aesthetic sensitivity,     aesthetic integrity) among the leaders of secondary school's city of Abha from the viewpoints of teachers. The study adopted the descriptive method, through a questionnaire applied to (410) male and female secondary teachers in Abha. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which were: all the dimensions of aesthetic leadership were important for school leaders to a large degree (2.37), and the "aesthetic culture" dimension was the most important dimension of aesthetic leadership of these schools (2.55), while the "aesthetic application" dimension was the least important (2.18). All dimensions of aesthetic leadership were available to school leaders with a moderate degree (2.10), and the "aesthetic culture" dimension was the most available dimension of aesthetic leadership for these schools' leaders (2.27), while the "aesthetic sensitivity" dimension was the least available (1.93). The study presented a proposed scenario for developing the perform of secondary school leaders in the urban city of Abha in the light of the aesthetic leadership dimensions (aesthetic communication, aesthetic culture, aesthetic appearance, aesthetic application, aesthetisensitivity, aesthetic integrity).


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How to Cite

Mohammad ahmad, and فضل محمود عبد التواب. “Developing the Performance of High School Leaders         city of Abha in the Light of the Aesthetic Dimensions”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, Dec. 2020, pp. 1-19,