Differences in Thinking Styles and the ability to make decisions with students of the University of the Northern Border of Saudi Arabia


  • Khalid bin Al-Humaidi Al-Anazi Author
  • Adel Abdel Muti Al-Abyad Author


The present study is concerned with the clearance of the appropriate period the divorced woman "mukhtali'a" has to stay before another attempt for mariage in addition to the clearance of her living expenses in the Islamic jurisprudence compared to the Jordanian matrimonial law. It aims at explaining the period of divorced "Mukhtali'a" and the necessity of payment of her living expenses during the period in Islamic jurisprudence and in the Jordanian matrimonial Law. The study followed the descriptive and comparative approaches. The most important result is that the period of the divorced in "Khul'ua" is found to be the same as the period of normal divorce. One of the main recommendations is to give the subject of "Khul'ua" and related issues like new engagement of the divorced woman, to go back over divorce more specialized studies in Islamic jurisprudence that single out every rule related "Khulu'a' extensive independent study of jurisprudence that combine all the views related to the subject in order to reach to a sound point of view. Furthermore, it recommends that more studies on Figh and medicine need to be conducted to clear the case of "Eddah" in islant.


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How to Cite

Al-Anazi, Khalid, and Adel Al-Abyad. “Differences in Thinking Styles and the Ability to Make Decisions With Students of the University of the Northern Border of Saudi Arabia”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1 الجزء الثاني, Jan. 2016, pp. 372-94, https://journals.jazanu.edu.sa/ojs/index.php/JUJHS/article/view/69.