Ruling on divorcing the Mosaic in Islamic jurisprudence


  • Aboud bin Ali Deraa King Khalid University Author




Praise be to Allah who thanks to the good deeds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, but after: 1) Wassoush fact and influence in the psychological matters of love and hatred, love and dispersion and so on, but this effect, God willing 2) Mosaic divorce takes multiple situations as follows: A) The mosquito should be infected with mosquitoes in a field that has nothing to do with the marriage. B) The lightness of the wosseh should be light, aware of what is being issued from him, and it is most likely that his divorce will take place. (C) That the weight of the whispers is severe and he is not aware of what is coming out of him, so his divorce is not valid. D) that the heirs of the obsessive disorder in words or deeds are not likely to be fluent. E) that the Wassoush will affect his will and his choice, and he will be forced to leave without a reason. F) To influence the whispers in the mind of the husband without reaching the degree of insanity is not a fluency. (G) If he whispers in himself without uttering, then his divorce does not occur, and if he is overcome by al-Wassaws, then he should do so with his heart without pronouncing it, so his divorce does not occur, even if he is overcome by the whisperer 3) If the husband uttered in the case of his words with the explicit divorce and then claimed that he did not want to solve the marital marriage, but had another intention, then the likelihood of the divorce, unless it came to the eye or associated Bdaoh wife is a mediator indicates his sincerity. 4) If the husband divorces in the case of his words and words of the metaphor and claimed not to divorce, the most likely due to the intention of the husband to determine what he meant by that word unless the evidence shows the case contrary to what he claims. 5) It is correct for the father to divorce his wife, the son of Moses, if there is a need or interest that calls for divorce.6) It is not acceptable to say that the husband is moussous in retiring from the power of attorney by divorcing his wife except with evidence
7) It is correct for the judge to divorce the wife of the Mosaic if there is a need or interest that calls for divorce, especially if he refrain: from doing so.
8) The couples should fear Allah and do not take from the whispers to them an excuse for the divorce of their wives and the muftis and the judges to make sure that the husband is Musos and prove this before the ruling in the case or answer the fatwa so that the manipulation of the religion of Allah, To both ways


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How to Cite

Deraa, Aboud. “Ruling on Divorcing the Mosaic in Islamic Jurisprudence”. Jazan University Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, July 2019, pp. 141-64,